2001 Joint Meeting Softball Roster

Please look over the following rosters to find your team. Due to the tremendous response for the softball tournament, make sure to check all teams, as you may not be on your association's team or the team you selected. The list currently reflects the first 100 registrants. Additional registrants will be added if space becomes available. With this in mind, if you are unable to participate in the softball tournament, please contact Lisa Cobb at lisac@assochq.org or 217-356-2426 ext. 41 prior to July 9th.

A final roster will be available in the registration area at the Indiana Convention Center.


Aguilar, Angel
Ames, David
Barao, Scott
Bidner, Brian
Cook, Douglas
De La Zerda, Michael
Edwards, David
Goff, Jesse
Griswold, Kenneth
Hafs, Harold
Hall, John
Hanson, Dana
Livingston, Matthew
Majeski, J.Lee
Murphy, Kevin
Overton, Thomas
Sandine, William
Shanks, Roger
Shockey, William
Stahl, Chad
Stokes, Sandra
Weigel, Kent
Welper, Robert
Wilson, Jonathan


Asmus, Aaron
Behrends, Eddie
Clarke, Andrew
Claus, James
Decker, Eric
Dreadin, Timothy
Eastridge, Janet
Houser, Terry
Hunt, Melvin
Kohls, Lora
Lawrence, Ty
Mancini, Richard
Meisinger, David
Miller, Markus
Osborn, Wesley
Parrish, Fredrick Jr.
Paterson, Bruce
Russell, Ronald
Schultz Kaster, Collette
Sebranek, Joseph
Sindelar, Jeff
Smith, Kevin
Steiner, Rudy
Tolbert, Mark
Vonseggern, Drew


Armstrong, Jeffrey
Bertrand, Keith
Cagle, Lori
Critser, Darren
Davis, Michael
Diekman, Mark
Dikeman, Michael
Estienne, Mark
Fike, Gary
Fike, Karol
Harper, Allen
Hoffman, M. Peter
Huck, Marisa
Huffman, Randy
Kozink, Daniel
Lawrence, Bradley
Martinez, Mario
McCoy, Robert
Reisdorffer, Lionel
Robinson, Ross
Sawyer, Jason
Schafer, David
Touchette, Kevin
Wulf, Duane


Arguello, A
Batal, Amy
Berg, Eric
Berg, Paul
Birkhold, Sarah
Bradley, Gary
Burnham, Matthew
Hall, Michelle
Hawkins, Richard
Koelkebeck, Kenneth
Marchello, Martin
Mashaly, Magdi
Miller, Rhonda
Nicholas, Lorena
Noll, Sally
Persia, Michael
Person, Ryan
Pohlman, Scott
Richards, Mark
Schafer, Mark
Scheller, Kristine
Shirley, Robert
Snow, Janet
Wesoloski, George