Instructions for Authors of Symposium Manuscripts
for the 2000 Joint Meeting of ADSA and ASAS 


Papers from this meeting will be published in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format as online-only supplements of the Journal of Dairy Science of the American Dairy Science Association and the Journal of Animal Science of the American Society of Animal Science. The titles of these papers will appear in the Tables of Contents of the print journals, and arrangements are being made to ensure that these articles will be carried in major indexing services such as PubMed. Papers will be posted to the online supplement as soon as they are completed. After papers are edited and formatted, you will be given an opportunity to proof the .pdf version of the article before it is posted.

Papers are due at the meeting. If you wish to have your presentation published in JAS or JDS, you must submit three paper copies of the manuscript (line-numbered) and disks with files of text and figures. In advance of the meeting, you should complete the Manuscript Submission and Copyright Form, and it must be turned in with the completed manuscript. You should give the material to your program chair at the time of symposium sessions, and each chairperson should, in turn, leave all papers from the session at the registration desk. 

 The following format guidelines for symposium manuscripts are intended to simplify manuscript preparation and standardize the layout of manuscripts so they can be edited and posted online more quickly. Please format your manuscript to these specifications before submitting the final revision. You should follow the style and usage the guidelines set forth in the “Journal of Animal Science Style and Form” (J. Anim. Sci. 78:244-259)  or the "Instructions for Authors of Journal of Dairy Science" (J. Dairy Sci. 83:189-201). The following specifications only govern the physical layout of the article, not its content.

Please note that all accepted manuscripts from the joint ADSA/ASAS 2000 Annual Meeting will be subject to a processing fee of $200. 

Formatting Instructions

All manuscripts should be prepared in a version of WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. If you have a choice, we prefer Microsoft Word.

Margins: one inch on all sides
Page dimensions: standard American letter size (8.5 X 11 inches)
Typefaces (fonts): Times Roman (or Times New Roman) and Symbol (if needed for special characters)
Type size for text: 12 pt
Text alignment: justified
Paragraph indent: 20 points
Line spacing: 1.5
Page numbers: 10 pt Times, upper right corner; no number on first page

Title and Authors: 12 pt Times, boldface, centered. Use superscript letters, rather than symbols, to indicate authors’ institutional affiliations. Notes to the title or authors should be indicated by superscript numerals. All numbered notes will appear at the end of the article as end notes, rather than as footnotes at the base of the page.

Major headings (including Abstract heading): 12 pt Times boldface, centered. Allow two line returns of space above major headings, one return of space below.

Second-level headings: 12 pt Times boldface italic, left-aligned. Allow one line return of space above and below.

Third-level headings: 12 pt Times italic, aligned on paragraph indent and followed by a period before beginning the text. No additional space above.

Key words: Up to 4 key words should follow the abstract text, with one return of line space above them. 

Displayed equations: If displayed equations are present, they should be centered with one line return of space above and below the equation. Variables should be italicized in equations and text; matrices and vectors should be italicized and boldface. If the displayed equations are numbered, the numbers should appear in brackets, right-aligned across from the equations.

Table title:
12 pt Times boldface, centered above the table, single-spaced. No period following the title. Capitalize only the first word of the title, unless it contains other terms that must be capitalized. Titles are introduced with the word “Table” followed by an Arabic numeral and a period.

Table body: 10 pt Times. Tables should be set up in standard JAS or JDS format. Use your word processor’s table function to create tables.

Table footnotes: 9 pt Times. Follow standard JAS  or JDS guidelines for table footnotes.

Broadside tables: If a table is too wide to fit on one page in portrait view, rotate the table to fit in landscape view, rather than breaking the table across pages. You may decrease the type size of the table one point if this will allow it to fit the page.

Figure legends: 12 pt Times, single-spaced. Legends should begin with the word “Figure” followed by an Arabic numeral and a period (all boldface). The legend itself is not boldface; it should be followed by a period.

Figures may be embedded in the manuscript file, following the tables, or may be supplied on separate disks if necessary.  All figures should be in TIFF format (Tagged Image File Format).

1.      When printed, figures should be either 8.9, 14.0, or (only if necessary) 18.4 cm wide (i.e., 3.5, 5.5, or 7.25 inches). Smaller figures (8.9 cm) are preferable, so long as they are legible at the smaller size.

2.      Line art (e.g., graphs) should be in bitmap mode (black and white only), at a resolution of 600 dpi.

3.      Photographs should be in grayscale (256 levels) or red green blue (RGB) mode, as appropriate, with a resolution of 300 dpi.

Notes about image resolution, file formats, and PowerPoint

These file type and image resolution specifications are based on the settings we use to scan images into articles for JAS and JDS. When printed on a typical office printer, files of this resolution will produce very crisp images similar to those in the printed journal or those printed from the online version of the journal. For the final version of your symposium article, please have clear, original printouts or photographs scanned at these recommended resolutions so that anyone who prints your article will see the figures clearly. If you have questions, please send an e-mail message to

The resolution  (number of pixels per inch) of computer monitors (typically 72 to around 90) is much lower than the resolution at which most printers produce an image (ranging typically from 180 to over 700 dots per inch, depending on the type of printer and the settings you have selected). If your article were only viewed on the computer screen, not printed, a low resolution would be preferable. However, we have designed these guidelines based on the assumption that the articles will be printed, so a higher resolution is necessary. In short, even though the symposium proceedings is an online publication, the figures you submit should be of the same quality as those submitted for printing in the JAS or JDS.

Many symposium presenters create PowerPoint slides of their images for ease of presentation. You should be aware, however, that PowerPoint images have a default resolution of 96 pixels per inch. These images are designed for onscreen viewing and compact file size, but they are not adequate for printing at full size, nor can their resolution be increased satisfactorily. Please submit higher-resolution scans of the images you have imported into PowerPoint, rather than PowerPoint images themselves, as your final image files. If this is impossible because the figures were created originally in PowerPoint instead of another plotting or drawing program that allows high-resolution printouts, we will insert the PowerPoint images into the article in TIFF format. Although these images will generally be legible when printed, they will not have the sharpness of high-resolution images.

Color should be reserved for those few cases in which it is integral to the meaning of the figure (e.g., heat-sensitive photography or cell staining). Keep in mind that most readers will not have access to color printers. 

Literature Cited: 10 pt Times, single-spaced. Follow standard JAS or JDS citation format (note to JDS authors: please use incoming "author/year" style of call out).

Notes: The Notes section should follow Literature Cited. “Notes” is a major level heading. Each note should be numbered and single-spaced, with one return of space between notes. Type is 10 pt Times. Format is Arabic numeral followed by a period, then one space to the beginning of the note. Notes should be typed with a hanging indent (as for literature citations).

Questions? Contact Jean Rice ( or John Edwards (