Date: December 1999



To: Members of ADSA and ASAS


From:  Harold Swaisgood, President of ADSA

Don Beermann, President of ASAS

David Beede, Overall Program Chair

Larry Benyshek, Overall Program Vice Chair and Program Secretary ASAS

David Henning, ADSA Foods Division Chair

James Linn, ADSA Production Division Chair


RE:     Call for Abstracts - Joint ADSA/ASAS Meeting and Northeast Sections of ADSA-ASAS


The joint meeting of ADSA and ASAS is scheduled for the Baltimore Convention Center, July 24-28, 2000. Please find in this mailing instructions for electronic submission of abstracts (deadline: 12:00 a.m. CST, February 15, 2000), contact information for all Program Committee Chairs, the Program Highlights and Special Requests for Abstracts, and a housing form and map of Baltimore.


This meeting is the first of five consecutive joint meetings to be held between our two organizations with other animal science organizations joining us in some subsequent years. A special highlight of this year’s meeting is the Joint Celebration “From Research to Innovation” with the European Association of Animal Production (EAAP). Symposia will include presentations by a number of our European colleagues as well as two plenary talks at the opening session.


This will be an excellent meeting. An exciting program, including more than 30 symposia, has been planned by the 29 Program Committees and the Joint Meeting Planning Committee. The outstanding planning of these Committees has insured that this will be a value packed meeting. Sessions will be presented as roundtable discussions, case studies, and other creative formats as well as traditional poster and oral presentations. An Industry/Technology Forum also is planned as a means to improve communication between academia and industry, and to facilitate technology transfer. An additional benefit to members this year will be the placement of Interpretive Summaries of symposia papers on-line prior to the meeting.


This meeting will address many topics and issues of interest to you as a scientist or practitioner involved in teaching, extension, research, and commercial activities in all areas of animal agriculture ranging from the farm to the table. Please take special note of the Program Highlights and Special Requests for Abstracts from the individual Program Committees which accompanies in this mailing.


The Baltimore Convention Center promises to be an excellent location near the Inner Harbor with many hotels, restaurants, and activities easily accessible. The meeting rooms will be exceptionally good with equipment for electronic presentation (LCD projection) and 2 X 2 slide projection in every session. Again this year the Cyber Café will be available and used in educational programming.


Encourage students to attend! We are making special efforts to attract students, both graduate students and undergraduate students, and industry personnel, to the meeting. For example, a pre-meeting workshop will be sponsored by ADSA to allow students to learn from experts on a specific topic drawn from universities or research laboratories nationwide. A mini-symposium on job interviewing is also planned. We hope to expand on these efforts in the future as a means of adding value to graduate and postgraduate education.

As our societies move into the new millennium we will use the Web site more. Please visit the societies Web sites and the meeting Web site frequently for updates. Some of the traditional pieces are not mailed in this packet. However, you fill find the information on the joint meeting Web site ( Some of the information you will find will be:


                     Graduate Paper Contest Information

                     Undergraduate Paper Contest Information

                     Quality Standard for Abstracts

                     Slide Preparation Guidelines

                     Instructions for Poster Presentations

                     LCD Presentation Information

                     Special Audio-Visual Request Form

                     Special Event Request Form


As more information becomes available it will be posted to the Web site.


We look forward to seeing you in Baltimore for the most successful joint meeting ever between our two organizations.