ASAS Centennial Presentations Schedule

Tuesday, July 8 

2:00 PM
Development and current issues of a corn-based beef industry. L. R. Corah, Certified Angus Beef LLC (500 Ballroom)
3:40 PM
Role of industry leaders in addressing bioethical issues. J. W. Lauderdale, Lauderdale Enterprises, Inc. (Room 101-102)
4:30 PM
Using grain and biomass for feed versus fuel. J. Lawrence, Iowa State University (500 Ballroom)
Wednesday, July 9 

9:30 AM
Historical review and future outlook of equine reproductive technology. D. Sharp, University of Florida (Room 104)
9:30 AM
Animal science teaching: A century of excellence. D. S. Buchanan, North Dakota State University (Room 120)
9:30 AM
Impact of animal science research on U.S. goat production and predictions for the future. T. Sahlu, American Institute for Goat Research, Langston University (Room 205)
9:35 AM
Animal behavior and well-being: What does the future hold? A. K. Johnson, Iowa State University (Room 203)
9:35 AM
History and future perspectives of bioethics in food animal agriculture. W. R. Stricklin, University of Maryland (Room 101-102)
9:40 AM
The history of growth biology research - A reflection on the episodic nature of science. T. Etherton, Penn State University (Sagamore Ballroom 5)
9:40 AM
Landmark studies in swine nutrition during the past century. G. L. Cromwell, University of Kentucky (Room 105-106)
10:20 AM
Future needs and directions in animal growth and development research. M. A. Mirando, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, USDA (Sagamore Ballroom 5)
10:35 AM
Nonruminant nutrition - A proud past but uncertain future. R. A. Easter, University of Illinois (Room 105-106)
2:00 PM 428 History of extension. J. Paterson, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. (Room 109–110)
2:00 PM
Historical review and future outlook of equine nutrition. H. Hintz, Cornell University (Room 104)
2:00 PM
Impacts of animal science research on U.S. sheep production and predictions for the future. C. J. Lupton, Texas AgriLife Research (Room 107-108)
2:05 PM
Animal behavior as a discipline within the American Society of Animal Science: One hundred years of change and promise. W. R. Stricklin, University of Maryland (Room 101-102)
2:05 PM
Evolution of companion animals - A perception shift. L. P. Case, University of Illinois and AutumnGold Consulting (Room 105-106)
2:30 PM
Evolution of delivery methods. M. Hutjens, University of Illinois (Room 109-110)
3:00 PM
From 40 acres and a mule to today: historical perspective of extension programming: HorseQuest. E. A. Greene, University of Vermont (Room 109-110)
3:20 PM
DAIReXNET - Method of delivering extension programming for the dairy industry which transcends traditional methods of information delivery and state/regional borders. D. M. Amaral-Phillips, University of Kentucky (Room 109-110)
3:40 PM
Beef Cattle Clearinghouse: An eXtension Website. R. Rasby, University of Nebraska (Room 109-110)
4:00 PM
Pork Information Gateway in eXtension. D. J. Meisinger, US Pork Center of Excellence, Iowa State University (Room 109-110)
5:00 PM
The future of teaching and research in companion animal biology in departments of animal sciences. J. McNamara, Washington State University (Room 105-106)
Thursday, July 10

10:30 AM
Historical perspective on the advances in forage research. J. Burns, USDA-ARS and North Carolina State University (Room 104)
10:30 AM
Developments and future outlook for preharvest food safety. S. P. Oliver, The University of Tennessee (Room 204)
10:30 AM
History and future outlook of equine science teaching programs. C. H. Wood, University of Kentucky (Sagamore Ballroom 2)
10:30 AM
Historical perspective on lactation biology. R. S. Kensinger, Oklahoma State University (Sagamore Ballroom 6)
10:30 AM
Future research in physiology and endocrinology. G. E. Seidel, Colorado State University (Room 205)
11:00 AM
Research and extension needs in forage utilization in the future. F. M. Rouquette, Jr., Texas AgriLife Research, Texas A&M System (Room 104)
11:15 AM
Developments and future outlook for postharvest food safety. J. Sofos, Colorado State University (Room 204)
11:15 AM
Lactation biology for the 21st century. J. J. Loor, University of Illinois (Sagamore Ballroom 6)
2:00 PM
The promise of proteomics in animal science. J. D. Lippolis, National Animal Disease Center, USDA-ARS (Sagamore Ballroom 1)
2:00 PM
Animal breeding and the Journal of Animal Science: A century of co-evolution. W. Hohenboken, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Oregon State University (Sagamore Ballroom 4)
2:00 PM
A century of pioneers and progress in meat science leads to new frontiers. D. H. Beermann, University of Nebraska (Room 120)
2:00 PM
Development of cattle estrus and breeding management. J. W. Lauderdale, Lauderdale Enterprises, Inc. (Room 205)
2:05 PM
The impact of current global challenges in the animal agricultural industry. A. Tewolde, Inter American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture - IICA (Room 101-102)
3:15 PM
Current and future meat science research needs. T. H. Powell, American Meat Science Association (Room 120)
3:30 PM
Contributions in the Journal of Animal Science to understanding cattle metabolic and digestive disorders. M. L. Galyean, Texas Tech University (Sagamore Ballroom 1)
3:45 PM
Future needs in animal breeding. R. D. Green, USDA-ARS National Program Staff (Sagamore Ballroom 4)
Friday, July 11

8:30 AM
Discovery and application of energetic principles to feeding systems for beef cattle. C. Ferrell, USDA, ARS, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (Sagamore Ballroom 4)
9:00 AM
Discovery and application of energetic principles to feeding systems for beef cattle: Use of dynamic models. J. W. Oltjen, University of California (Sagamore Ballroom 4)